Who We Are

What We Believe


We believe in one God, who exists in three distinct persons…the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe God created the world and is actively at work to redeem it. Ultimately, God creates and redeems purely out of the desire to love.

This unconditional love, also known as “grace” is at work in all people even before we are aware of it. God’s grace is dynamic and active in that it draws us to a relationship with God, saves or justifies us, and continues to transform or sanctify us in a process that lasts a lifetime.

We believe there are “means of grace” which help us experience God and God’s love. These include personal spiritual practices, life in community, and the Sacraments of baptism and Holy Communion.


We believe that Jesus is the Christ, God’s Son, the Savior who came to earth in the flesh to reveal God to all people and to restore all things that are broken. We believe salvation comes through a relationship with God made possible through Christ. We believe Jesus was both fully human and fully God, lived a perfect, sinless life and embodies the Truth of God. We believe Jesus willingly died on the cross to demonstrate God’s love for sinful humans and to provide salvation for all humanity. His selfless sacrifice provides us the means to reconnect with God. We believe in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. We believe His resurrection is the beginning of God’s ultimate restoration of all things which will occur when Christ comes again according to the witness of Scripture.


We believe the Holy Spirit is God present with us and living within each follower to empower a life that reflects the lifestyle, values and character of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the change agent in the lives of Jesus’ followers, illuminating God’s word for understanding and application in our lives. The Spirit is involved in progressively transforming each follower into the image of Christ, and is actively working within the Christian community and world at large to bring about God’s plan of redemption for all people and all creation.


We believe the scriptures of both the Old and New Testaments are inspired by God and useful in helping us live God’s ways in the world. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) We believe the Holy Spirit guided human authors to create writings which reveal God and God’s story to us. At the heart of this revelation is God’s love and plan to be in relationship with all of humanity. God speaks through the Scriptures through the Holy Spirit to offer direction for living the Christian life. We believe human reason, the traditions of the Church, and personal experience help us understand Scripture’s revelation.

Therefore, we believe studying, reading, and reflecting on Scripture are an important part of the Christian life. Both alone, in solitude and prayer, and in groups of accountability and support, regular engagement with the Scriptures helps us know and live the way of Jesus.


We believe the Church was established by Jesus to continue his mission in the world. The church is the means by which disciples of Jesus Christ live out their faith. Also known as the Body of Christ and Bride of Christ, it is a community of people called to live in fellowship and worship together. We believe that we were created to live deeply with one another, to carry each other’s burdens and to live generously, to pray for and confess our sins to each other, to suffer and to celebrate together. It’s in these sacred relationships and honest, loving communities that God transforms us. We believe the way of Jesus cannot be lived alone.

We believe in the priesthood of all believers: Everyone in relationship with Christ is gifted, empowered and called to serve within God’s mission to reach the world. The Church is God’s vehicle on earth to bring about God’s justice and mercy for all people. As each one of us discovers our own spiritual gifts, hears and answers God’s call, we strive to reach the point in which all of life is for God and His Kingdom. We believe this Christ-centered life within a community of faith is the best way to live.

We believe the church is called to impact its community and world through acts of service, community partnerships, witness to Christ in word and deed, and ultimately by embodying the love of God in ways that transform broken people and systems. We believe the local church is the hope of the world.

This statement of faith is intended as a GUIDE for individuals to reflect on their own faith and beliefs and how they live out that faith. This statement is in keeping with the Christian faith in the Methodist tradition.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I preview worship or past sermons before my visit?

Yes! You can join us for a live stream of Sunday morning worship at our 10:45am service on our  facebook page and/or youtube channel.

What do you believe?
What can I expect on my first visit?

Hospitality–expect real people, a smile, music and a relevant message. You can wear a suit or jeans and take your coffee anywhere. Welcome hosts and signs are located throughout the church to help you find your way around.

Children and Youth–expect a commitment to the safety of young people, trained volunteers and a strategy to engage them in age-appropriate ways.

A mission that matters–expect to have opportunities to serve the community or join a group to serve and grow. Expect a church that wants to make a difference and change lives!

For more specific information about our ministries you can learn more using the buttons above.

Are there opportunities to connect and learn more about Morganfield Methodist Church?

Yes. We have many opportunities for you and your family to connect with the Morganfield Methodist Family.

On your first visit after worship you and your family will have the opportunity to meet our pastor. Pastor Sarah-Kate will be available following the 8:30 am service and following the 10:45 am service.

Families are invited to experience our children’s ministry on Sunday mornings for ways to connect with our family ministries here at Morganfield Methodist Church.

What if I don't see my question listed here?

If you don’t see your question listed here, we would love to talk with you about your questions. You can email the church about your question on our Contact Us page or you can call our office at (270)389-1351 and we will be happy to speak with you.

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